A downloadable game for Windows

Prototype 1 - Change Season. Player hits a button to change the environment to match the season written. The other prototype is the player having the ability to move a ball around while its changing color.

Prototype 2 - Gravity Pull. This prototype is a top-down shooter style instead the player moves by clicking somewhere and the player pulls in a direction. The player has avoid and destroy the asteroids.

Prototype 3 - Fast Food. This prototype is a two player game where the players see who can eat the most food. The objective is to eat more food than your opponent to be able to eat the burger (The biggest box).

Prototype 4 - Spy Camera. The game is to avoid detection from the webcams that act like security cameras and get through the area without being spotted (This game will only  work half the time, this is due to Unity update versions).


Prototype1_ChangeSeason.zip 147 MB
Prototype2_GravityPull.zip 16 MB
Prototype3_FastFood.zip 15 MB
Prototype4_SpyCamera.zip 14 MB